[TRENDING]: 5 Men Upcyling Bespoke Clothing from Quilts, Blankets and Tablecloths. Yes, it's a thing!
Plus This Man Will Teach You How to Sew
Men are making moves in the upcycling and sustainable design department and a few really stand out to me [and my algorithm].
I’m including five favorites (from a pool of many more) on my radar. The ones I’m including do their thing consistently, most likely make a living from it [including social currency income]. The man at the bottom offers sewing tips and proves that getting started is easier than you think, by recreating your favorite T-shirt.
Before we get into it, let’s talk about Ivy League Fits, making moves in a different direction.
The man painstakingly designed a SOFA BAG that actually carries your cards and loose change. His vision went viral, currently at 2M views.
These five guys are hella dedicated and craft some pretty incredible jackets, hoodies, shirts, pants and more from a variety of textiles, including vintage quilts, crocheted blankets, tablecloths and more. They’re listed in ascending order by number of followers.
1. kevinleonel - 20,900 followers
This one was a kevinleonel x franklinsports collab.
I loved this MESSI jacket that looks to be a jersey + table linen hybrid and it’s unisex enough for women to wear - Or this one, below, on SZA:
2. bahramyara - 85,100 followers
With only 87 posts, Bahram has already earned a high volume of followers with his “mindful fashion” designs. Both designs shown were crafted from tablecloths.
3. zdroyevski_ - 178,000 Followers
Love this jacket, once a hand stitched blanket.
A vintage quilt is now pants:
4. Stan Clothing - 221,000 followers
Stan’s designs found their way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art — and celebs.
The blankets he sources are my personal favorites. He has shelves full.
5. Custom_WearHouse - 227,000 followers
Aside from blanket styles above, he’s well known for also meshing modern fabrics into “1 of 1” pieces.
I especially appreciate this Barbie twist:
No sewing skills? No shade.
Glory Allan will teach you how to start by copying your favorite T-shirt shape as well as the staples of sewing.
Many of the guys designs gave me BODE vibes, a bespoke men’s brand that often crafts clothing from heritage products, with an example below highlighting two pieces I spotted at resale - that quickly sold at $450 each!
Conscious clothing and re-use is a passion based on all the waste I witness, the most obvious in bigger cities. This is a well known ‘clothing desert.’ I am withholding my thoughts on overproduction, as it’s not the forum. ;)
If I have something I love, I’ll try to repair it and here’s good example of how a repair can actually add a cool factor, with their lightning bolt idea.
I could do a whole week on women who are doing this, but won’t get around to it, but want to put Joanne Sunny K on your radar. Plus, her second reel below gives you a better idea of the process vs just the end result.
joannesunnyk - 75,800 followers
I’ve collected just a couple blankets and that’s mine at the top of the post under the headline.
My real obsession is with vintage designer fabrics I’ve been collecting over the past few years. From 1980’s Gianni Versace to 1990’s Christian Lacroix to 2000’s Dolce & Gabbana to modern Balenciaga silks, my stash is getting interesting.
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Getting cash for your clothes and why designers are buying their own vintage pieces
You were up-cycling your duds in college - always ahead of the curve.